
K-State opens search for new grain science department head

Kansas State University
BY: Mari Rydings

Mari Rydings

MANHATTAN, KS — As phase one of Kansas State University’s Agriculture Innovation Initiative moves forward, so does the school’s search for a permanent department head for the College of Agriculture’s Department of Grain Science and Industry. The search officially opened in late October.

“This one-of-a-kind department will be important in supporting not only value-added processes and foods derived from traditional grains, but it will also be an important driver of innovation looking for novel plant sources of protein and potentially other nutritional elements that will be important for the food system of the future,” said Ernie Minton, PhD, dean of the College of Agriculture and director of K-State Research and Extension. “For this reason, it will be critical to identify a visionary leader that can help the faculty deliver the research and workforce training that will be needed for decades to come.”


The role will provide leadership and administrative oversight for the department’s instructional; research; diversity, equity and inclusion; and extension programs. The department head will also lead the planning and initial occupancy of the new Global Center for Grain and Food Innovation.


“The Department of Grain Science and Industry is unique in terms of the degree programs and research it provides in support of the milling, baking, animal feed and pet food industries around the nation and globally,” Dr. Minton added. “It is in need of permanent leadership in the department head role to lead the department into the future, and in particular, as the department transitions into new facilities.”


Hulya Dogan, PhD, has served as the interim head of both the Department of Grain Science and Industry and the International Grains Program Institute since July 2022. She will continue in the role until a new department head is in place.

Grain Science and Industry Department Head Application screenings will begin Jan. 8, 2024, and continue until the position is filled. Inquiries and nominations should be emailed to Dan Moser, PhD, search committee chair and associate dean of academic programs. The position is available July 1, 2024.

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