

KANSAS CITY, MO — Excuse me, but how are we in the fourth quarter already? Time is precious, and it moves unforgivingly fast.

When my son was born, everyone told me that adage, “The days are long, but the years are short.” Now he’s 13, and I’m in my 50s, and sometimes I feel like it’s all just flying by.  

As industry leaders and business owners, we spend our days digging into research, conducting critical analysis, putting out fires, attending meetings — so many meetings — and crossing off to-do list tasks that only create new ones.



Can we all slow down for a minute? Take a breath. Go for a walk. Just stop and take it all in.

Maybe it feels like you can’t because you simply don’t have the bandwidth. I get it; we can’t ignore those deadlines. This magazine has to get to the printer just like your product has to get out the door.


But I do believe that Ferris Bueller was right: “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”

Make a bold move! Do something that will take your business to new heights. Heck, start a whole new business! Don’t simply dream about what you could do. Act on what you can do. Just don’t forget to hit the pause button and call (don’t text) a friend, thank a coworker or even hug your mom.  


Like I said, time is unforgiving. When it’s gone, you can’t get it back.

This story is from the October | Q4 2023 issue of Commercial Baking. Read the full digital edition here.
