

KANSAS CITY, MO — When I was in college, I had this “horrible” professor. She always called on me for the hard questions, only to pick apart my answers. Meanwhile, my homework bled from her red marks. I remember lamenting to a friend, who told me, “That’s the professor you’ll remember as your favorite. When you look back, you’ll see she taught you the most.”

My friend was right. While I still receive some doses of red marks and get torn down every now and then, it’s all part of the learning journey. And the lessons — even the hard ones — come from people who care deeply about their craft and this industry.


The Commercial Baking product is the result of countless conversations we have with you: the baker, the marketer, the association exec, the product developer, the team lead, the sales director. You know who you are.

Thank you for sharing your expertise, insight, hard conversations and lessons you’ve learned along the way.  


Innate curiosity is the mark of a journalist, and I’m lucky to be part of an industry that thrives on sharing knowledge. I will always accept as much as you’re willing to give.

I encourage you to do the same. Parlay the hard questions into open dialogue and turn the red marks into new ideas. As we move forward, balancing tradition on one hand with innovation on the other, the lessons we teach — and learn from — one another will ensure our future successes. 


Oh, and if you’re curious … I got an A in that class.

This story has been adapted from the June | New Products Annual 20223 issue of Commercial Baking. Read the full story in the digital edition here.
