
Editor’s Note: Culture Club

BY: Joanie Spencer

Joanie Spencer

KANSAS CITY, MO — Maybe it’s the “new year, new you” vibe, but I’ve been thinking a lot about culture lately.

As our company grows, we’re rethinking about who we want to be … as a business and an employer. This year, we’re implementing things like a hybrid office schedule, more documentation for our Impact Report, and a suggestion box a-la Ted Lasso.


Culture is such a nebulous term, but it’s critical to how companies function today. When was the last time you interviewed a candidate who didn’t ask about culture?

Most businesses want to cultivate a workplace environment that people want to show up for, a place they’re proud to professionally call home. But culture is more than that.


It’s also about how companies show up for the world around them. Little by little, more bakeries are working toward achieving B Corp. certification, and — even if they don’t realize it — more are engaging in environmental, social and governance (ESG) initiatives. The term may be new, but the practices behind them are taking hold.

And please don’t assume this is all about soft skills. Think about operational culture, too. When implemented well, quality, efficiency, innovation and safety initiatives can inspire people to participate in building a successful business, not just a better corporate ethos.


On the pages ahead, you’ll meet organizations that are improving culture in all these aspects. And you’ll discover insights into how operational improvements, defined innovation and a focus on impact can achieve real business success.

When I see you out at events this year, let me know how culture is changing your business … and the industry.

This story is from the February | Q1 2024 issue of Commercial Baking. Read the full digital edition here.

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