OSNABRUECK, GERMANY — Diosna will showcase its equipment innovations and future-oriented solutions, placing an emphasis on automation, dough processing and kneading, at iba 2023, set to take place October 22-26 in Munich.
The company will highlight the pre-dough technologies and equipment used to produce the baked goods offered at the show in its booth (Hall A2, Stand 340). Exhibits include automated guided vehicle (AGV)-supported concepts for dough production; two hygienic design wendel mixers, the WH240A with an exchangeable bowl and the WH240E with direct-ground discharge; and the universal mixer V100, which is capable of handling a variety of solids in its booth.
In the iba.Speakers Area (Hall B1), Diosna project managers Thorsten Iborg and Peter Moormann will present, “Effective Production Logistics and Smart Production Services in Dough Production” Oct. 26 at 10:30 a.m. The presentation will focus on the importance of global networking of machines, technologies and user interfaces in sustainable corporate management.