

NEW YORK CITY — Boogie Lab, a Croatian food tech company and craft bakery, announced the launch of Boogie Lab USA and Boogie Bakery, the company’s first US-based micro bakery, set to open this spring in New York City.

Boogie Lab is known in Europe for its unique approach to sourdough fermentation, which uses a combination of artificial intelligence (AI) and traditional techniques. Karlo Vulin and Mladen Vidović founded the company.


Dennis Turcinovic, co-owner of Delmonico’s Restaurant in New York City, led Boogie Lab’s expansion to the US. As co-founder of Boogie Lab USA, he will oversee all US operations, including the opening of the first Boogie Bakery next to Delmonico’s on Beaver Street. The restaurant will be the first in North America to serve Boogie Lab bread.

“I knew from the first moment I tasted Boogie Lab bread and pastries that it was something special, and I’m thrilled to have a substantial role in introducing American consumers to the unparalleled quality and delicious taste of better-for-you artisanal bread crafted with the aid of cutting-edge food technology,” Turcinovic said.

“What makes our bread so revolutionary is that we intertwine the power of nutrition with the power of technology.”
— Karlo Vulin | co-founder | Boogie Lab


Boogie Lab’s proprietary AI fermentation technology incorporates smart fermenters and advanced sensors to precisely control the baking process, resulting in a consistent final product with an artisanal touch.

“With years of artisan practices, and a background in food science, our team has developed proprietary technology that will allow us to become the first scalable artisan bakery,” Vulin said. “What makes our bread so revolutionary is that we intertwine the power of nutrition with the power of technology. By using artificial intelligence, we ensure our baking methods produce distinct bread that is perfectly baked every time. We use only three ingredients to craft bread that is both minimally processed and easy to digest.”


Boogie Lab’s approach will allow the bakery to scale up quickly using automated production lines. Wholesale distribution within the US will begin in spring 2024.
