

OVERLAND PARK, KS — In a tight-knit community such as the commercial baking industry, BEMA understands the importance of member connection and meaningful networking all too well. The association is set on increasing member engagement and igniting passion for emerging industry professionals.

As part of these efforts, BEMA’s established the BEMA Ascend scholarship in 2022 to engage emerging, high-potential professionals.

The scholarship program supports BEMA’s mission by offering recipients the opportunity to attend NEXUS, an industry event designed to connect all facets of the baking industry, which will take place Oct. 1-3 in Washington, DC.

Scholarship recipients must be nominated by their mentors, managers or supervisors who are attending NEXUS but will have the opportunity to network with industry leaders, participate in educational programs, and be recognized for their achievements within their organizations.


“Our mission is to connect, educate and provide resources for our members and the industries they serve,” said Kelly Allen, BEMA’s senior manager of events and engagement. “I believe Ascend highlights that focus for us by offering a direct pathway to the exceptional networking, education and collaboration opportunities available at NEXUS.”

Recipients for the scholarship must meet all the following criteria:

  • The nominee has never attended NEXUS, BEMA Convention or BEMA Summit.
  • The nominee’s company must be in good standing with their BEMA membership.
  • The nominee has demonstrated leadership qualities and a strong desire to gain industry knowledge and education.
  • The nominee is in a non-executive position within their organization.

The Membership Value and Engagement Committee and the Association Outreach and Engagement Committee offer mentorship by connecting recipients to influential industry leaders during networking events.

“The committee members are there to help you get integrated into the industry,” Allen explained. “BEMA also benefits from this program by engaging new members who might not regularly attend BEMA Convention or other association industry events. We are constantly trying to develop future association volunteers and leadership and get that emerging workforce engaged and involved for the long-term.”

“The Ascend scholarship program represents how we all got our start in BEMA — someone saw our potential and gave us a chance. Formalizing that opportunity into a scholarship program through Ascend is meaningful to BEMA's past, present and future leadership.” — Clay Miller | chair | BEMA


Ascend is designed to help aspiring leaders rise within the industry at NEXUS by offering first-hand experience in business interactions and giving participants valuable insights into their organization and its specific needs. Recipients whose companies have registered for Spark sessions are encouraged to participate in these team-to-team meetings designed for collaboration between suppliers and bakers. These sessions offer firsthand experience in business interactions, allowing participants to gain valuable insights into their organization and their customer’s needs. More information on the sessions can be found on the NEXUS website.

While top leaders will attend, the event is not devised specifically to be executive-to-executive.

“The program is designed to attract a variety of industry professionals that represent many levels of expertise and areas of focus,” Allen shared. “By providing Ascend scholarship recipients access to NEXUS, they will gain exposure to industry trends and key stakeholders, equipping them with the knowledge and connections necessary to advance in their careers.”

The scholarship targets individuals who have demonstrated leadership potential and a strong desire to acquire industry knowledge and continue their professional development while recognizing promising talent within industry organizations.

“The Ascend scholarship program represents how we all got our start in BEMA — someone saw our potential and gave us a chance,” said Clay Miller, president of Burford Corp. and 2024-25 BEMA board chair.  “Formalizing that opportunity into a scholarship program through Ascend is meaningful to BEMA’s past, present and future leadership. It is an intentional investment into BEMA’s member companies and the future of the baking industry.”

Nominations for are open through Sept. 6. For more information on how to nominate a recipient, visit the BEMA website.

