On the east coast, SNAXPO 2021 is being held Aug. 22-24 at the Charlotte Convention Center in North Carolina, which “has invested in many upgrades to protect the health and safety of its guests since March 2020.”
“For me, SNAXPO means the great pleasure of seeing old friends and making new ones,” said Martin Prakken, CEO and owner of Blueprint Automation. “It is a place where trust and long-term commitment are still highly valued when doing business.”
In order to bring the industry together safely, SNAXPO is implementing a range of safety measures, including the following and more.
- In accordance with the latest CDC recommendations, SNAXPO is requiring masking indoors regardless of vaccination status except when social distancing or eating and drinking. You will not be permitted to enter the convention center or Westin receptions without a mask. Masks will be provided to everyone in attendance.
- All attendees will be required to complete a daily health assessment prior to entering the convention center.
- All education sessions will feature socially distanced seating.
With fewer attendees, there are fewer safety risks. This has led to a rise in hybrid-format events, such as the American Bakers Association (ABA)’s upcoming NextGenBaker leadership forum, which is being held virtually and in-person in Alexandria, VA, on Sept. 14-16. The virtual component allows industry professionals nationwide to tap into the critical information being covered while mitigating risk for in-person attendees.
According to Samantha Moore, ABA’s senior director of meetings and education, her team is working hard to organize a safe event that keeps its people at the forefront. This not only applies to NextGenBaker, but also to IBIEducate 2021, a new educational event from IBIE, ABA, BEMA and RBA, being held Oct. 26-28 in Kansas City, MO.
“The health and safety of every attendee and staff person at IBIE and ABA events is our number one priority, even before the COVID-19 pandemic,” Moore said. “IBIEducate 2021 and ABA events teams have received Pandemic On-Site Protocol Certification, in addition to certifications I hold from the FEMA Emergency Planning Institute and the Global Biorisk Advisory Council. IBIEducate 2021, and ABA will follow any mandated regulations from all entities during our event dates and inform attendees of those measures closer to the event’s start.”