

WASHINGTON, DC — Touted as a unique type of business, networking and educational event, NEXUS, powered by BEMA and the American Bakers Association (ABA) has tailored its opening and closing keynote addresses to focus on audience engagement and interactivity.

Kicking off programming on Oct. 2, memory expert Ron White will teach attendees how they can train their brains to retain information faster and longer. A two-time national memory champion, White will share his “five secrets to an unstoppable memory.” Putting these secrets into practice, attendees will learn that they don’t have to be super-human to have a well-trained memory.

Armed with these secrets, NEXUS attendees will have the right tools to take advantage of all the content available at this year’s event, including association updates, trends presentations and more.

“NEXUS is designed to offer engaging and insightful keynote sessions,” said Kerwin Brown, BEMA president and CEO. “This ensures that all attendees walk away with practical skills, effective strategies, and memorable shared experiences they can bring back to their workplace.”

Tapping into the energy of the week — including not only education sessions but also Spark Sessions and Suites — Shawna Suckow will deliver the NEXUS closing keynote on Oct. 3 during a networking lunch.

With a background in hospitality and tourism, Suckow has spent her career learning how marketing teams identify and target their customers … and how customers respond to those efforts. A self-professed “huge nerd” obsessed with studying audiences and making ideas stick, Suckow will teach attendees how to turn thoughts into action through small group interaction.


“Through interactive and experiential keynote sessions, NEXUS attendees will have yet another valuable opportunity to connect, network and engage in meaningful business discussions.”— Kerwin Brown | president and CEO | BEMA


Suckow is committed to teaching her audiences how to return to work committed to that action, rather than “business as usual.”

With a goal to inspire and engage bakers and suppliers to better their businesses and the industry, NEXUS’ educational programming is strategically outlined to create tangible ideas for immediate business action.

“Through interactive and experiential keynote sessions, NEXUS attendees will have yet another valuable opportunity to connect, network and engage in meaningful business discussions,” Brown said. “They’ll have that experience from beginning to end.”

NEXUS is co-located with ABA’s NextGenBaker Leadership Forum, which begins on Sept. 30. The two combined events create a week full of energizing and interactive business, education and networking.

“The co-located offerings of NEXUS education sessions and NextGenBaker leadership training create a comprehensive four-day experience,” said Eric DELL, ABA president and CEO. “It brings bakers and suppliers together, fostering growth and strengthening connections across the industry.”

For more information and to register, visit the NEXUS website.

