“I expect we’re going to see near record numbers of new product roll outs, particularly in the health and wellness area,” MacKie said.
But as demand soars, plenty of problems persist that get in the way of a seamless production process. Brown noted the “big three” issues for suppliers are supply chain, inflation and workforce — but these problems are there for bakers as well.
“Ingredient costs have spiked anywhere from 17-30% in the last year, but that increase is not exclusive to ingredients,” Brown said regarding inflation. “We’re seeing it with lumber, steel and motors too.”
And as inflation impacts raw materials, it also impacts how expensive finished bakery products will be and how much profit is made.
“At the end of the day, the retailer will set the price of the market,” MacKie said. “But I can say it’s all going up, and if you add it all together, that margin gets squeezed.”
With supply chain, the competition is fierce — everyone wants the same parts that are in short supply. Demand is higher than ever for things that have incredible long lead times, and one small missing piece can throw a whole operation out of whack.
“I think there are surprises. It might seem like no big deal, but if there is one little cog that’s off then boom,” Brown said. “We’re really talking about a new normal with flexibility, and communication is so important.”
MacKie echoed Brown, saying that understanding and honesty is key as every business scrambles to get things done.
“The importance of transparency sticks with me,” MacKie said. “Surprises are happening every day, so building that awareness is needed.”