
Tips for getting the most out of NEXUS Spark Sessions

BY: Joanie Spencer

Joanie Spencer

DALLAS — The first round of matching is underway for Spark Sessions — the new team-to-team connection platform set to launch at NEXUS, powered by BEMA and the American Bakers Association (ABA), set for Sept. 25-28 in Dallas — but bakers and suppliers still have time to register for the event and Spark Sessions.

The Round 2 deadline for Spark Sessions signup is Aug. 16 and can be done directly on the NEXUS website, coinciding with event registration.

While Spark Sessions are included with baker registration, the cost for supplier companies is $2,500 per session for up to two sessions.


“When compared to the cost of travel to visit one bakery and hoping you get to meet with the people you need to see, and all the logistics that come with the cost of that sales call, there’s a real ROI for Spark Sessions,” said Emily Bowers, VP of education and operations for BEMA. “When suppliers are matched with a bakery for Spark Sessions, they’re being provided very specific information around what the bakery is looking for, in terms of equipment and ingredient needs or process improvements. Having information directly from the bakers will help suppliers know exactly what to expect  and how to prepare for a successful meeting.”

Bakers who sign up for Spark Sessions will first be connected to Samantha Moore, senior director of education and meetings for ABA, who will guide them through the process of completing a profile, including who will be attending and what their specific needs are. Bakers may also request to meet with specific suppliers for Spark Sessions.

Similarly, when suppliers purchase Spark Sessions, they gain access to a site that allows them to create a profile that will be visible to bakers who have signed up for sessions as well as all NEXUS attendees.

“Suppliers who are participating in Spark Sessions will have a listing that will be on the NEXUS website and the mobile app, automatically giving them extra promotion,” Bowers said. “It allows these companies to showcase their products, services or solutions for all attendees to see, as well as bakers who are reviewing Spark Session profiles.”


During this round of matching, bakers will receive a survey that will include a link to all completed supplier profiles, which will be accessible in mid-August.

“When bakers view those profiles, they can provide feedback on which suppliers they are interested in meeting with,” Bowers added, noting that suppliers who have purchased a Spark Session will have the same opportunity to provide feedback on bakers they are interested in being matched with.

After receiving all feedback, the NEXUS team will strategically match the sessions.

NEXUS built flexibility into the Spark Session concept, allowing plenty of room to expand as needed. While suppliers currently can purchase a max of two sessions, bakers can sign up at any time, all the way up to the event. Session matching will be done onsite as needed, and should the demand call for it, more sessions may be available for suppliers to purchase.

“We intentionally built in that flexibility to expand,” Bowers said. “We started by offering suppliers the option to purchase two Spark Sessions, while we monitor baker activity. The space and time at NEXUS is available to continue matching and scheduling sessions onsite as needed.”


Spark Sessions are available to all registered NEXUS attendees that are BEMA and/or ABA members, and registration is required to sign up for or purchase a session. While NEXUS registration is done individually, Spark Sessions are set up as a team, by company. Specific step-by-step directions can be found on the website with a registered attendee login.

NEXUS was developed with a focus on connecting bakers and suppliers, educating attendees and creating opportunities for industry collaboration. In addition to Spark Sessions, the event holds a host of opportunities for education and connections. To ensure continued success, the development teams and steering committee will closely monitor specific key performance indicators and refine for future NEXUS events.   

“While there are several operational measurements of success we will examine after the inaugural NEXUS event in September, the spotlight will be on attendee satisfaction,” Bowers said. “Was the education relevant and engaging? Were networking events effective? Did the right industry groups have a presence? Were Spark sessions truly a match made at NEXUS? Growing the event from the ground up, and leveraging our strong partnership with ABA, puts us in an advantageous position to continue increasing attendee value year over year.”

Powered by BEMA and ABA, NEXUS will be held in the two years that do not hold an International Baking Industry Exposition, which is co-owned by BEMA and ABA. For more information on Spark Sessions and show registration, visit the NEXUS website.

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