

This column is part of our Last Word series, which invites noted professionals to provide closing thoughts at the end of each issue of Commercial Baking. See the full issue here.

KANSAS CITY, MO — Consumer eating habits have fundamentally changed. Today, the mantra many of us remember from our childhoods of “don’t ruin your dinner” (by snacking) has gone by the wayside as consumers increasingly turn to the snacking category. In fact, more than 70% of consumers have at least two snacks a day, and they are gravitating to the category for a variety of reasons. The increased prevalence of snacking meets functional needs (we are constantly on the go, and snacking often better suits our lifestyles than large meals), and there is an emotional connection with snacking. It can be “me” time (and a way to give ourselves a permissible indulgence), or “we” time (and a way to connect with friends and family over a shared treat).

While there are different impetus driving demand for the category, there is one unwavering truth: Innovation is the lifeblood of snacking.

At The J.M. Smucker Co., our product development strategy is focused on introducing meaningful innovations that deliver on real consumer needs.

In sweet baked snacks, we understand what consumers look for at different times of day, what is most important to them as they make their snacking selections, and how they prioritize those options. We maintain a read on this understanding by researching trends, reviewing behavioral data, and actually sitting down and talking with consumers. This diligent work helps us to ensure our strategy aligns with consumer preferences and powers our ability to deliver fresh concepts to market. 

This work is how we uncovered an opportunity to deliver on consumer desire for distinct flavors and unique combinations of layers and textures with Kazbars. It helped us identify a wish to bring home the indulgence of a fancy dessert enjoyed during a night out with Hostess Meltamors. And it showed us there was untapped potential in bringing beloved flavors together, inspiring our mashups, including the recent launch of Hostess HoneyBun Donettes.

We know consumer behaviors will evolve, and we love that! It gives us purpose and continued opportunities to deliver moments of joy to every day.

This story is from the 2024 New Products Annual of Commercial Baking. Read the full digital edition here.



