

RENO, NV — Mary’s Gone Crackers is spotlighting its organic and gluten-free status with revamped packaging for its Original and Super Seed cracker varieties.


The new packaging on the 6.5-ounce and new 4-ounce boxes places the brand’s organic, gluten-free and plant-based ingredient attributes front and center for consumers.

“Our new packaging conveys the breadth of what Mary’s Gone Crackers offers, especially our commitment to healthy organic ingredients and family farms,” said Michael Finete, CEO of Mary’s Gone Crackers. “Consumers today are more informed and educated than ever before. They want to know exactly what they are putting into their bodies, and this new packaging better highlights all the great ingredients that go into our products as well as our commitment to do the right things for our planet and our families, always.”

“Consumers today are more informed and educated than ever before … this new packaging better highlights all the great ingredients that go into our products as well as our commitment to do the right things for our planet and our families, always.” — Michael Finete | CEO | Mary’s Gone Crackers


While the new packaging is rolling out with the Original and Super Seed varieties, the rest of the Mary’s Gone Crackers portfolio will feature the redesign later this year.

“We are thrilled to introduce this fresh new look for Mary’s Gone Crackers,” Finete continued. “Not only does it better represent our brand values and the quality of our ingredients, but it also paves the way for the introduction of exciting new flavors that we have in store for the coming year.


Mary’s Gone Crackers’ new look comes on the heels of the brand’s expansion of its manufacturing lines, announced earlier this year.
