
Flowers Foods launches website seeking feedback on new products from consumers

BY: Annie Hollon

Annie Hollon

THOMASVILLE, GA — Flowers Foods has launched Creations by Flowers Foods, a website dedicated to gathering authentic consumer feedback on its newest products.

“Our test-and-learn process for new product innovation relies heavily on valuable feedback from our consumers,” said Joe Ewell, VP of innovation at Flowers. “We want to hear what they enjoy and what they don’t so we can ensure we are bringing the absolute best products to market.”


The e-commerce site allows direct orders and free shipping of trial products in order to collect insights on interest, sales data and consumer feedback. This information will assist Flowers to determine new product launches on a wider scale in collaboration with other traditional methods.


“Growth in the e-commerce space is an important focus at Flowers, so developing an e-commerce platform where consumers can trial and provide feedback on our latest innovations was a natural fit,” said Ewell. “The site gives us the ability to directly connect with consumers more apt to purchase online and seek their feedback. It also provides the flexibility to test new products on a smaller scale than what is required for an in-store trial.”


Items featured on the website stem from the company’s agile innovation group, which oversees the development of innovative new products that fall beyond the scope of Flowers’ primary categories. Dave’s Killer Bread Organic Snack Bars and Protein Bars along with Nature’s Own Breakfast Pastries are among the first products to be tested on the e-commerce site.

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