

SILVER SPRINGS, MD — The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has announced a significant development in its ongoing efforts to reduce sodium consumption. Following early success in Phase I, the agency has issued draft guidance for Phase II.

“Reducing sodium in the food supply has the potential to be one of the most important public health initiatives in a generation,” said Jim Jones, deputy commissioner for human foods at the FDA. “The early successes we’re seeing with sodium level reduction in certain foods is encouraging and indicative of the impact we believe our overall nutrition approach can have on the wellbeing of society.”

Prior to 2021, the average American consumed approximately 3,400 milligrams of sodium per day, exceeding the recommended limit of 2,300 milligrams. Preliminary data from 2022 showed roughly 40% of Phase I targets have already been met or are close to being reached.


The Phase II targets follow the initial set released in October 2021, which encouraged the food industry to reduce sodium levels in various processed, packaged and prepared foods. This focus is particularly relevant as 70% of sodium intake in the US comes from added sodium during food manufacturing and preparation.

More than 60% of the packaged food categories decreased in sodium. The Bakery category saw a decrease in sodium by 55%.

If finalized, the Phase II targets aim to reduce average daily sodium intake to approximately 2,750 milligrams, or a 20% decrease in intake levels before 2021. This stepwise approach is designed to gradually lower sodium intake nationwide and address the public health crisis linked to excessive sodium consumption.

“The FDA's sodium reduction and other nutrition initiatives are central to a broader, whole-of-government approach to help reduce the burden of diet-related chronic diseases and advance health equity.” — Jim Jones | deputy commissioner, human foods | FDA


The FDA has also proposed a rule to amend the standards of identity to permit the use of salt substitutes in foods for which salt is a required or optional ingredient.

Ingredient solutions such as the alternative to sodium bicarbonate created by Kudos and Arm & Hammer can lower sodium intake in the baking industry.

“In addition to our sodium reduction efforts, the FDA is also actively working on a forthcoming final rule updating the definition of the claim ‘healthy,’ a proposed rule for front-of-package nutrition labeling and exploring ways to reduce added sugars consumption,” added Jones. “The FDA’s sodium reduction and other nutrition initiatives are central to a broader, whole-of-government approach to help reduce the burden of diet-related chronic diseases and advance health equity.”

The FDA’s sodium reduction initiative is part of the White House National Strategy on Hunger, Nutrition and Health, which aims to reduce diet-related diseases by 2030. The Phase II targets align with the Healthy People 2030 goal of reducing average individual sodium intake to approximately 2,750 milligrams per day in the U.S. 

The voluntary sodium reduction targets also work alongside the US Department of Agriculture’s sodium limits for school meals.

The FDA plans to issue an evaluation when the data from 2024 becomes available. The agency will also issue regular progress evaluations of sodium levels in foods every three years to support its science-driven approach.

