OSNABRUECK, GERMANY – Diosna Dirks & Söhne GmbH, a leading international manufacturer for dough processing and pre-dough fermentation, recently introduced its new hygienic design line of wendel mixers.
The WH series of mixers, with a 240 to 600 kg capacity for dough, are designed in an open construction with stainless steel profiles to facilitate easy cleaning and ensure hygienic operation. Surfaces are also optimized to prevent microbial and particulate contamination of baked products.
Kneading systems of the mixers feature two oppositely rotating wendel tools and a gentle mixing process with low heating, making them well-suited for all types of dough.
The type WH 240 A, alongside other machines like the premium spiral mixer PSPV 240 A or different types of fermenters, will be exhibited at IBIE 2022 in Las Vegas, which will be held from Sept. 18 through Sept. 21.