

TORONTO — Dempster’s, a Bimbo Canada brand, is launching a new brand campaign aimed at encouraging consumers to nourish their wellbeing.

The “Feed What Nourishes You” campaign focuses beyond the kitchen to emphasize the company’s commitment to nurturing Canadians and their families.

“In today’s fast-paced world, people are feeling burned out,” said Tania Goecke, VP of marketing at Bimbo Canada. “So many parents give everything to others, but often at our own expense. Just like we’re told to put on our own oxygen mask first, we must prioritize our own wellbeing to be our best selves every day which ultimately benefits those we care for most. At Dempster’s, we want to inspire Canadians to change this so we can all find time to relax, indulge in a treat, stay healthy, be creative or do whatever we need to do to give something back to ourselves. Because when we do, we’ll all feel our best and be better parents, friends and family members.”

The campaign kicks off with a panel featuring parents discussing questions about parenthood and their personal wellness journeys. The campaign will run on TV outlets, social media, paid media and PR throughout the rest of the year, with more actions and partnerships in 2025.



