WASHINGTON DC — In the commercial baking industry, public policy advocacy is a critical factor for keeping the industry moving forward. It’s a pillar for the American Bakers Association (ABA), which hosted the Bakers Fly-In and Policy Summit in partnership with the American Society of Baking (ASB) and the Retail Bakers of America (RBA) Nov. 13-15 in Washington, DC.
As part of its ongoing advocacy efforts, ABA announced at the summit that it is exploring the formation of a bipartisan congressional baking caucus to create increased awareness — and support — of the biggest issues facing the industry.
“The purpose of a caucus is to join members of Congress — from the Republican and Democrat sides — who support the baking industry and what we stand for,” said Eric Dell, ABA president and CEO. “This helps us identify who our friends are, and it allows us to educate them more easily than using a broad-brush approach with different offices.”