RICHMOND, IN — Anyone who knows Bill Quigg is either a friend or a family member. But make no mistake: His circle is not small.
“I’m so fortunate to do what I do,” Quigg said. “This is a great industry, and there are just so many amazing people I’ve gotten to know over the years. It’s really fantastic.”
Quigg is not only president and CEO of Richmond, IN-based Richmond Baking Co. and its subsidiary, Versailles, KY-based More Than A Bakery, but he’s also the fourth generation of leadership in the country’s oldest family-owned cookie/cracker bakery. While his roots run deep in the industry, he’s not afraid of doing things a little differently.
That comes from a foundational work ethic that was instilled by a combination of nature and nurture.
“This is something I’ve wanted to do since my dad would take us to the bakery on the weekends,” he recalled. “I was just a little kid, and I was already begging him for a job.”