OVERLAND PARK, KS — BEMA kicked of its first Baking Industry Forum (BIF) meeting of the year with discussion from members of the association’s Food Safety & Sanitation and Workforce groups.
The Food Safety & Sanitation group reported on the Overall Risk Assessment tool (ORA) and its collaborative work with BEMA’s Safety & Sanitation Virtual Roundtable group. As a result of the work performed, the ORA tool is ready for use in the production environment. The Baking Industry Forum is eager for companies to try out the ORA tool.
“By providing this resource, it is our intent to offer a tool that can help bakers and their suppliers access food safety risk within a manufacturing process,” said Delia Justible, global sanitary compliance manager, Forbo Siegling. “In addition to the ORA tool, we also provide a supplementary tool aimed at providing guidance for early management of food safety and sanitary design.”